Originally posted by onetime2
Go ahead and defend the practice but I will be sure to remind you all of your stand whenever the campaign finance reform topic comes up again. Supporting the expanded use of 527 groups will only serve to allow them to proliferate. You're trading one bad form of campaign finance for another. Way to go all.
I never argued for campaign finance reform. I don't want to support politicians' bullshit promises with public money.
The only thing I've ever supported is carving out public access on the public airwaves.
If someone has private money, they have the right to use it how they want. Funding political expression seems to be a fundamental right. Securing that possibility for someone who isn't a billionaire, however, would level the playing field better than paying everyone's advertising costs out of the public coffer, in my opinion.
My comment wasn't about stealing cookies. It was about the observation that you wouldn't ever support Kerry, so why keep pointing out how you [onetime's whiny voice]can't support him after THIS[/onetime's whiny voice]?