For commercial game servers, you'll need a lot more than a T1 line (1.544Mbit transfer speeds). You'll need to shell out for a T3 or an OC line of some kind - or ideally pay lots of cash to have your machines stored at a data center with high-bandwidth lines.
However, in order for the machines to be stored at a data center, they (normally) have to be rack-mountable. This means that your average home-built computer is not acceptable. You'll have to purchase high-end servers from companies (HP, Intel, Dell) and use those.
Things to look for: Lots of cache (ie: 2MB cache that the Xeons mentioned above have), Lots of RAM (1GB or more - nothing less acceptable), fast processors (Xeons should be the way to go, you don't want to touch 64-bit CPUs for this).
However, the downside is that it's going to be prohibitively expensive unless you've got a very large budget.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!