*The State of virginia, in conjunction with the attorney general of said state, does not condone or in any way support the use, or participation of the term (s) love , lovers, or loving in reference to the state slogan. The phrase"Virginia is for lovers" is not intended to promote the act of loving in any way.The State of Viginia retains the right to forbid such acts, and prohibit any such version of the above stated terminology from inplying the freedom to participate in said acts. The state slogan is meant as a suggestion, and actual fornication of any type, whether public or otherwise, if involving two (or more) members of like gender, will result in immediate action, up to and including removal of all rights guaranteed under the constitution of the United States of America. The State of Viginia reserves the right to punish anyone who has a different opinion on this issue than it does, at anytime*
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha