Originally posted by Lebell
I want this to be VERY clear: I am in NO WAY upset with anyone reporting FACTS.
The second part of your question I answer below:
BFC is not "mostly facts".
Check out www.bowlingfortruth.com and www.moorewatch.com .
After looking at the evidence presented about BFC, you can draw your own conclusions how "fact filled" F9/11 is bound to be.
Well, since you brought up the wacko sites, I feel obligated to quote a small part of Mr. Moore's response.
I can guarantee to you, without equivocation, that every fact in my movie is true. Three teams of fact-checkers and two groups of lawyers went through it with a fine tooth comb to make sure that every statement of fact is indeed an indisputable fact. Trust me, no film company would ever release a film like this without putting it through the most vigorous vetting process possible. The sheer power and threat of the NRA is reason enough to strike fear in any movie studio or theater chain. The NRA will go after you without mercy if they think there's half a chance of destroying you. That's why we don't have better gun laws in this country – every member of Congress is scared to death of them.
Well, guess what. Total number of lawsuits to date against me or my film by the NRA? NONE. That's right, zero. And don't forget for a second that if they could have shut this film down on a technicality they would have. But they didn't and they can't – because the film is factually solid and above reproach. In fact, we have not been sued by any individual or group over the statements made in "Bowling for Columbine?" Why is that? Because everything we say is true – and the things that are our opinion, we say so and leave it up to the viewer to decide if our point of view is correct or not for each of them.
So, faced with a thoroughly truthful and honest film, those who object to the film's political points are left with the choice of debating us on the issues in the film – or resorting to character assassination. They have chosen the latter. What a sad place to be.
Regarding the Disney situation, his description of events can be found here: