Originally posted by NotMinus
If this is based of my post. It is because I have seen what E can do. I have used drugs recreationaly, I drink and I smoke occasionaly. I have to say that using drugs or drinking at your highschool prom is a bad idea, afterwards at least shows the user has a little more sense. I think of E as a dangerous drug because you have no idea what you are taking, same with herrorin, coke or E. I have a freind who volunteeres regularly at a drug rehabilitation center who has told me about the volume of people who use E is north american occasionaly then end up with a single bad pill and need hospitalization for a month. The story goes that a drug dealer cooks up a good batch, everyone associates the new pill as being a good batch and the first batch buys it up; no problem. Then, the drugs work their way down the line and someone halfs the pill leaving the symbol on top and adds dish detergent or rat poison (whatever they have on hand) on the bottom. Jhonny Needs to get High Smith, takes the pill for the first time based on the reputation of his freind who took the first batch and ends up in the hospital. Its just the fact that until you have injested it, god knows what in the pill.
Which is why these sorts of drugs should be legalised, standardised and taxed for their costs to society.
CONTROL, not liberalisation.
You know, the control freaks/whores to the dollar that right wingers/republicans/conservatives are, they should all be hankering to get the stuff pushed into every tobacconist and publican's establishment throughout every nation of the 'free' world.
You can get back to the topic, now.