Am I reading this wrong, or is there a problem here that NO ONE has yet addressed?
Originally posted by frozenstellar
things lately just didn't seem 'right' in the past few weeks, and gave no indication as to why. the first thing i noticed - we havent had sex in 3 weeks. usually after a week away - she pounces on me first thing. last 3 weeks - not interested as she was tired - she generally fell straight asleep when we shut the light off. thought nothing of it - she has a hectic week and had been out the night before a couple of times.
Frozen, this was the first problem you brought up in your post. Something recent that happened, as you said it yourself
fast forward a few hours - i dropped her off at work, went back to her place, packed my stuff up to come home. i dropped my phone - it landed under the bed..... right next to an open diary.
i cant remember exactly what was written - anywhere there is .......... is a mental blank, i cant remember what was written.
she finally confessed about it - it happened once. she spoke nothing of it to anyone - even her friends.
Yet things seemed to get resolved as a one time thing that happened in the past. Are you absolutely positive that it was a one time thing? How would that explain the strange behavior in the past three weeks?