Originally posted by noahfor
Well, actually we were going to it afterwards. Why do you say it's a new low. Have you done it? I can't see how it is any more low than drinking alcohol, and I think we all know that will be done on prom. Alcohol is the most neurotoxic drug, it's effects are much more extreme than those of ecstasy, and without checking the facts I gurantee it has contributed to at least 100 times more deaths than that of ecstasy. Ectasy hightens awareness, empathy, intelligence, creativity, emotion, communication all things I would want to be hightened on a night that has potential to be special. I don't even have to say what alcohol does. Ectasy on prom night I think will be a new high. There is no such thing as fake experience. Experience is experience whether it is drug induced or not. I'm interested in hearing why you think it is low.
E works in the same way, on the same part of the brain, as prozac... or so I always understood anyway.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas