I am curious as to which radioisotope the pregnant women were administered. The longer the half-life, the less adverse the reactions are likely to be.
Point of interest: ask any nuclear chemist and they will tell you that the universe is trying to turn into 56Fe (Iron-56) which is the most electrically stable nucleus known.
Next, REM (Roentgen equivilent mammal) = RBE (radioactive biological equivilent) x RAD. The most dammaging (tissue wise) radiation is the Alpha particle - which I believe are in the pathway of the "heavier" isotopes of Iron. Alpha radiation carries an RBE of 10-20 whereas Beta- decay carries roughly 1-2 (if memory serves).
The radioactive isotope(s) of iron administered could include:
Isotope - Half-life
52Fe - 8.3 hours
53Fe - 8.5 minutes
55Fe - 2.7 years
59Fe - 44 days
60Fe - 1.5M years
61Fe - 6.0 minutes
62Fe - 68 seconds
Shorter half-life = more dangerous (depending on the decay pathway).
rm -f /bin/laden