You seriously see nothing wrong with taking someone and putting them in the front lines completely against their will and expecting them to lose their LIFE? I'm surprise more people aren't against it. They'd be depriving me of my freedom to live. I'm not a sacrificial lamb. I'm sure others may volunteer to be, but it sure isn't gonna be me!
We only get ONE chance to experience life, and it would be a shame and a complete waste to lose it fighting in something you didn't want to be fighting in to begin with. I know there's this whole thing about pride, honor, and yadda yadda, but in the end, it's pointless.
Think of it this way, you take 100,000 people randomly and basically tell them, "you're going off to war, and you're most likely going to die. here's a gun, here's your mission." That's such a waste. There's no way they're gonna get the job done better than an army made up of volunteers, in fact, you'll be wasting a LOT more lives.
Either way, it's a moot point because the army has so many volunteers at this point in time that the draft is pretty much non-existent.. unless China were to invade or something.
That's not say there isn't anything I'd fight for... if the country got invaded and there were enemy soldiers running down my street, then yeah.. because either way I wouldn't have a choice.
But to fight in wars like Vietnam or Iraq where the cause for war is pretty f'n pointless and doesn't affect us at all whatsoever, then no. Yeah yeah, rid the world of communism, yeah yeah, get rid of a Tyrranical leader.. but if you run out of resources, then don't come crawling to me. Swallow your pride and back the hell out. There's no chance I'm gonna waste my life over that.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 05-07-2004 at 08:47 PM..