So i have a PHP gallery script i want to use that works for almost all of my needs. However, I want to use a peice of java code that changes the opacity of an image on mousover on the thumbnail images that are created in the table generated in the script. I was hoping someone here could help show me where or how i would attacht this to the script's [img src=imgs/thumbs/$file] variable so that any and all images in the thumbnail table have this attribut.
The gallery script is:
echo "<!--BEGIN PopUp Gallery -->"."\n";
echo "<style type='text/css'>IMG.popimage { border: $thumb_border; }</style>"."\n";
$files = array ();
$myDirectory = opendir("imgs/thumbs");
echo "\n";
echo "<table width=$table_width bgcolor='$table_bg_color' border='$table_border' cellpadding='$cell_padding' cellspacing='0'>"."\n";
echo "<tr>"."\n";
while ($file = readdir($myDirectory)) {
if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..") && ($file != "index.php") && !(is_dir("imgs/$file")) )
$files[] = $file;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++)
$file = $files[$i];
if (is_int(($i + 1) / $cols))
list($width, $height) = getimagesize("imgs/$file");
echo "<td align='center' >";?><a href="#" onClick="popupgalimage('imgs/<?php echo $file;?>', <?php echo "$width";?>, <?php echo "$height";?>); return false" class="popimage"><? echo "<img src='imgs/thumbs/$file' class='popimage'></a></td>"."\n";
echo "</tr><tr>"."\n";
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize("imgs/$file");
echo "<td align='center'>";?><a href="#" onClick="popupgalimage('imgs/<?php echo $file;?>', <?php echo "$width";?>, <?php echo "$height";?>); return false" class="popimage"><? echo "<img src='imgs/thumbs/$file' class='popimage'></a></td>"."\n";
echo "</tr>"."\n";
echo "</table>"."\n";
echo "<!--END PopUp Gallery -->"."\n";
The _vars.php file only defines how many rows the table should use and popup window attributes for the full size images.
The peice of java code that i want as the STYLE attribute for the images reads like this:
<img src="boiler.jpg" width="50" height="50" style="filter:alpha(opacity=35)" onmouseover="pWidgets(this,100,60,30)" onmouseout="pWidgets(this,20,60,30)">
I'm not the greatest at PHP, which is to say this is way beyond me.
An example page with both the script created table of thumbs and an example image below that with the opacity attribute is here:
Thank you to anyone who responds. All help is appreciated.