Jesus and Moses were fishing in a lake one day, when Moses nudged Jesus and said, "Psst. Hey, Jesus, I've still got it."
Moses stands up in the boat, rolls up his sleeves and grabs his staff. He takes a deep breath and raises his staff. The angels began to sing, the lake turned into a raging gale, and the waters of the lake parted. He smiles and as he lowers his staff, the water goes back to normal. Moses sits down and smugly says to Jesus, "Ya, I've still got it, how about you?"
Jesus looks at him and says "Of course I've still got it." He laughs a little, stands up at the edge of the boat and slowly steps to the water. He promply sinks like a rock. He swims back up and says to Moses:
"It was a hell of a lot easier before I had these holes in my goddamned feet!"