Originally posted by filtherton
"Don't blame me, i'm a confused kid". Bullshit. Do you know how counterproductive it is to try to defend a position with what amounts to "I know my position doesn't make sense, but it's because i don't know what the hell i am talking about, i'm just a confused kid."
Cop out. Don't blame your best friend/girlfriend relationship problems on rap. From your statement it seems obvious to me that you attack rap as a means of getting some sort of worthless revenge upon your girlfriend and best friend. You can't attack them directly so you attack something that they enjoy. You should be talking to them, not a bunch of strangers on the internet.
I also question your position that hatred has evolutionary value. Hatred must be taught, it doesn't spring forth from nothing. I have never seen any evidence that animals participate in active hatred of other animals.
Counterproductive to defense, yea, but I'm not trying to defend myself anymore. I'm not arguing anymore. Ok. I was agreeing with you. The confused kid was a not a cop out or an excuse, it was an admission that I am wrong. Ok. I have bigger problems than rap, and I'm not blaming anything on it.
I hate the sound.
I hate the hype.
I think it is contrived.
That is my postion. It makes sense to me. They are things, and I don't like them.
I respected where you were coming from up until that last post. Obvious that my ranting about how I hate rap on the internet is a means of revenge. That's funny.
Why don't you go attack everyone on the worst song by previous artist thread, because they have judged something negatively.
Because you don't observe animals hating, does not mean that it was not a product of evolution. We posess traits that are a product of evolution that are not posessed by other animals, and hatred may be one of them.