Don't really like SUV's. I know some people drive them for the "macho" thing but personally I just see them as bloated silly looking station wagons. Still, if you have a job that needs a giant station wagon, or haul lots of people around on a regular basis I suppose I can understand that. The utilitarian versions I understand better than the giant super expensive ones. Why would anyone want a Mercedes SUV? There is nothing sport or utilitarian about that, just an expensive, dolled up, rather large station wagon. Then of course are the SUV drivers that feel entitled to take up two parking spaces right in front of the parking lot. If you need the space at least have some decency and park FAR OUT in the lot. Leave the close up spaces for the elderly, or expectant mothers, the handicapped and the like. Also, as someone noted before, if you are going to drive a giant station wagon then learn to drive it well and don't just ride behind the steering wheel expecting the world to get out of your way. The height of some of these things makes it hard for them to see smaller cars beside them so they must be extra careful and LOOK, then USE YOUR TURN SIGNAL, then manuever your car into the other lane so as not to cause an accident. Overall I don't see what the fun of owning one would be if you didn't actually do a lot of off roading.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.
Last edited by StephenSa; 05-07-2004 at 12:11 PM..