What is time if not just a subjective measuring tool used to describe our perception of movement? God didn't create time, we imagined it. It doesn't exist, its not something that can be created.
Hmmm......I don't quite think you're in a position to say that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but without someone outside of 'time' to verify for you that time is merely a subjective perception, you have no knowledge one way or another whether or not time actually was created or simply imagined.
Also, the idea of time being a subjective measuring tool means that someone, somewhere, has a different viewpoint. If that's the case for God, which we can assume to be true, then yes, to us God appears to be omniscient. But after all, isn't the definition of omniscience knowing all things in all times? Thus, God would be omniscient to us regardless of whether time was created or simply imagined. If humans imagined time, then God fits the criteria for omniscience that we have imagined. If God created time, then He fits the criteria for omniscience that He set forth himself. Either way you look at it, God is omniscient.
But to say that subjectivity of time = imagined concept? Neither a verifiable or falsifiable statement...