Originally posted by Jeff
I bet Teresa ends up having a black baby, Ryan gets upset and moves back with the Cohens. Also, I predict next season Seth dies of cancer.
My feeling is that Teresa was faking the entire thing. All the things that she's done so far with this whole pregnancy thing could've been faked. The pregnancy test, nobody saw that but her, nobody followed her into the doctor's offices for her tests, so that could've been faked easily as well. Hell, she could've been sitting in the office or in the bathroom for an hour, just to convince everyone that she was actually there. She never comes out with paperwork or anything like that, so it seems likely that she's faking it. Hell, I think she's faking the "Eddie gave me a black eye" thing as well, all to get Ryan back to the old neighborhood.
In any case, I think that Ryan
WILL return to the OC, simply because he's the key character. Without him, none of the other characters stories become developed or are interesting at all.