What you're saying is, so long as the majority of people want it, that makes it a good thing?
Well, frankly, this just doesn't cut it in my opinion for several reasons.
Reason No 1. Such logic could lead us to conclude that so long as a majority of the population wanted to do something horrific like bring back slavery, invade Canada or take the vote away from left handed people, it would be a good thing. Clearly however, it wouldn't be a good thing for these things to happen, it would be very bad, and in fact gratuitous thing.
Reason No 2. If the majority of people are wrong, does this mean we ought to follow their will anyway? For instance, if 88% of Americans thought blue eyes were a sign of insanity, ought we therefore condemn all blue eyed people to insane asylums? No.
Reason No 3. Why is it that any group, even a majority, is able to make decisions which affect another. By this I mean, why is it that heterosexual people are able to say 'Gay people shouldn't be able to marry.' I mean, if gay people do marry, how does this hurt heterosexual people at all? This would be like Australians deciding New Zealanders aren't allowed to blow their noses after 5pm. Thus even if the majority decide they don't like gay marriage, it's got nothing to do with them. I don't like strawberry ice cream, I'd go as far to say that the majority of people don't like strawberry icecream, but if people eat strawberry icecream, what am I gonna do about it? Naught.