Originally posted by archpaladin
My bad. I'll buy that one. My second theoretical argument is still in place though:
God created everything, which includes our concept of time. Since God created time, He is above and outside of time, and thus can see all that would happen regardless of 'when' it might occur.
Close...but no cigar just yet!
If God is omnipotent then sure, time has very little meaning to him - you could say, as a friend of mine said "God operates outside the dimension of time". Given that view, to an observer thats INSIDE the time dimension, it would APPEAR that God was omniscient because he could, at will, CAUSE things to happen in the "future", but tell us about it "BEFORE" it happened. Again - because God is omnipotent he can cause ANYTHING to be, at will. To someone other than God, then, there could be no distinction between this and omniscience...but its still an illusion.
So is time. What is
time if not just a subjective measuring tool used to describe our perception of movement? God didn't create time, we imagined it. It doesn't exist, its not something that can be created.
This could get
really deep if I'm not careful...let me know if you want to go on...for now let me just say:
With Omnipotence, there is NO NEED for omniscience.