Last time I checked, Red Bull was available by the case at Superstore. At one point they had it at Costco too, but I've never seen it at an Albertan Costco. You lucky Quebecois get to buy alcohol at Costco, (unrelated, I know) so perhaps you can find red bull too.
For a while, late 90s, Red Bull was not allowed to be imported into Canada for a while because of the taurine in it. The concern has since been debunked, but the Canadian drug people take far too long to check things out.
I've drank more then my share of redbull and vodka. I honestly don't think there are real health concerns with the mix. Three possibly related deaths in Sweeden, if I recall. It does have a dose of caffeine, which will dehydrate you along with alcohol, and the taurine does add to the effect. But eating a plate of seafood, having a drink with it, then having an after dinner coffee will give you the exact ingredients in comparable quantities. If you do it all night in a club, you might have some issues. But you'll find many worse things to put into your body at the clubs as well, all of which can 100% claim many more deaths then the 3 that red bull might have been a factor in.
I even had licensed professional nutrionist recommend it as part of a training program back when I was athletic. Although I eventually changed to Met-RX, which is quite similar. Actually, I was in GNC the other day (assuming that they have GNC nutrition stores in the Montreal area) and they had a 'house brand' red bull that is probably just as good and cheaper.
edit - London Drugs. I think it might be a westren chain, but some of them carry red bull as well. try drugstores.
Last edited by Bossnass; 05-06-2004 at 09:57 PM..