Neither did you see anyone advocating hysterectomies for women. However, you could have easily read that I did recommend that the men be sterilized.
I won't speculate as to wether abortion is up to full blown murder or not, but there was something definitely alive before that's dead after. For that reason alone, I think that this should be taken more seriously than gun, car, liquor, or corporation ownership. While one could argue that this is only about the woman, there are costs to society as well. Those clinics aren't free. Not to mention that one has to question the judgment and maturity of anyone (man or woman) that has had more than 2 potential offspring aborted.
Additionally, the main problem I see with the current system is the utter lack of any checks. Some women can and do have abortions almost on a whim. Even if it's just one, is that not too many? Shouldn't there be some kind of check and balance to the system? As a society, we got together and made all kinds of laws about what people can and can't do with their bodies, so it's not like that's some sacred boundary that's never crossed.