Originally posted by yournamehere
<i>Speaking for myself (and my wife) - we got the same $170 refund as last year. However, we had $2,000 <i>more</i> in medical costs that were deductible this year - otherwise, we would have owed big time.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone on this board making less than $250K had a tax cut in the last 4 years? I know I haven't - except for the aforementioned $600 "loan" we got in 2001 - and had to pay back in 2002.
I made less then 250K, well considerably less, on 1099 income, which did not have taxes withheld, and I got over 2k back this year. I actually paid no taxes and got money back. Which was better then last year for me, but alot of that has to do with the accountant I had do my taxes.