Originally posted by mml
One issue that has not been addressed, is the fact that the Democratic Party and the Kerry campaign do not have control over how the 527 money is spent, and this prevents them from setting a clear, focused message to the public like the Bush campaign has done so successfully. Don't get me wrong, they would rather have the 527's out there than not having them at all, but they would much rather be in Bush's shoes.
The NRA is not the same as MoveOn et al. They are two separate types of groups. Notice I haven't dug on the AFL CIO either? That's because they are equivalent to the NRA.
As far as the argument that the lack of coordination between the DNC and the Kerry campaign puts them at some sort of disadvantage that's completely off the mark, IMO. They are at least as well organized if not more organized than the Bush campaign. This arrangement lets the 527s act as attack dogs while the Kerry campaign can appear above the fray. And when certain aspects of the 527's strategy pan out, the Kerry campaign can capitalize on them while letting the failed efforts falter without the campaign getting the blame for a failed strategy.