last night I finished Final Fantasy 2 off of Final Fantasy Origins (note: FF2 is NOT the same "FF2" on the SNES)
the game was great! I almost didn't even start it due to the just plain odd keyword and no leveling gameplay. but i did and woo i am glad i played it.
the story is nothing new this day and age. at the time i'd say it was fairly deep and dramatic. a lot of deaths for the betterment of man kind and so forth.
the graphics, i'm not going to score. it's a remake of an 8bit game....
the music was fair, but again not really comparable due to the age.
the gameplay, though mindnumbingly deep to begin with, was fun and fairly easy to grasp. its semi simple:
if you always attack you will become stronger. if you use black or white magick you grow in the atribute you need to cast more powerful spells. the more you get hit the higher your defense is. and, also, if you have a mage attack over and over his str will Increase and his Intelligence will Decrease. an odd balance but managable.
in the end I simply had the three main characters and one of the guest all using two weapons each and castic healing spells.
i give the game an easy 9. if only they brought it to the US so long ago...