Originally posted by KungFuGuy
yeah, i too get rather sick when viewing real killings and what not.
like, i had no idea beforehand, but the scene in apocalypse now with the ox (i think thats what it is) was a real ritual sacrafice, so when you watch that movie you actually see that animal get chopped up by natives and killed. no props or anything. then someone else said that in the really old westerns, they'd use trip wires to make horses fall and if they broke the legs or anything they'd just kill them. Even movie like apocalypse now I dont think i could enjoy anymore knowing that.
so yeah, even with animal violence i get all sick. Thats when i almost vomit and get sick with clips like the one of the politician shooting himself in the head or when the other guy gets his head chopped off. I also get sick thinking about how some ppl get off to that stuff.
Don't ever watch Cannibal Holocaust.
In that movie they remove the shell from a giant turtle and eat it.