Originally posted by God of Thunder
Good job Jadedfox, you're up.
Some of the missing details are that when Gene Simmons heard them play, he shopped around their demo. When he took it to Casablanca, they passed, so he went to Warner Brothers.
WB hooked them up with Ted Templeman. They still needed a singer, so Ted suggested Sammy Hagar who he had been working with in Montrose at the time.
I think everyone knows the rest of that story.
But, enough of that, quiz away JF.
GOT you have most of it right but Roth was already in the band so Tempelman didn't suggest Sammy.
Actually after Roth left/was fired depends on whose side you believe, Eddie and Sammy had the same mechanic and met and Eddie asked Sammy if he would sit in as a guest artist.
The original lineup of Van Halen is probably the greatest of any rock band. Alex very very underrated as a drummer (course Keith Moon would have been with Eddie playing guitar.) Micheal Anthony a damn good bassist and then one of the greatest if not the greatest guitarist in that generation EDDIE, and finally the frontman Jagger wished he could have been 1/2 the man of, the man Axl couldn't hold a jockstrap to, the man that defined sex, drugs and rock and roll, the greatest frontman EVER in any band................. DIAMOND DAVID LEE ROTH, it's a shame his ego got so big.
Sammy was good and the band had more hits with him and better selling records but live noone touched DLR.
PS.......... Sorry to hijack the thread but Van Halen is my 2nd favorite band behind the KINKS. And I wanted to set the record straight.