When my friend was young (6/7), she had a nightmare where she believed that all of these snakes were coming to attack her and her family. So of course, she got up, ran into her dad's bedroom, woke up, and told him her plight. Her dad tried to convince her that the snakes were not coming to eat her and her family, but as young imaginations are wild, he couldn't talk any sense into her. So in his desperation, he got his wife up, and took their mattress off their bed, and barricaded the top of the stairs of the house (all bedrooms on top floor) in order to appease her fears. Comforted, but still panicky, she asked for something else to secure her. The quick thinking dad, ran downstairs, and grabbed a few cloves of garlic. He spread them around the girls bedroom while spinning a tale about how snakes are horribly afraid of garlic. Calmed, and feeling safe, the girl went to bed.
A few years later, in grade six, we had a discussion about snakes in class. The conversation drifted towards 'what should you do if you run into a rattler snake", and of course the girl put up her hand, and said "Throw some garlic at it. They hate garlic."Her comment received alot of weird looks and a lot of disproving from her classmates.
Hrrm, now that I have it all typed out, it isn't so much a screwing with children's head story, but more of a cute story.