Shard has it right.. although it took me over 30 tried to find a non trojan cracked version of mh i finally did heh..
mousepads would be the only one i would say to use.. the other what 3 out now will work but im not gonna say you wont get banned from them..
a site like this would be ok to ask someone .. for that but like blizzhackers .. i would say no..
yeah money for a hack hahaha i posted a one liner on mouses ..
told him he should get something for his "hack" so i posted a pic of a set of pig nutz and said.. dude its a hack.. for a 4 year old game.
It means only one thing, and everything: Cut. Once committed to fight, Cut. Everything else is secondary. Cut. That is your duty, your purpose, your hunger. There is no rule more important, no commitment that overrides that one. Cut. The lines are a portrayal of the dance. Cut from the void, not from bewilderment. Cut the enemy as quickly and directly as possible. Cut with certainty. Cut decisively, resoultely. Cut into his strength. Flow through the gaps in his guard. Cut him. Cut him down utterly. Don't allow him a breath. Crush him. Cut him without mercy to the depth of his spirit. It is the balance to life: death. It is the dance with death. It is the law a war wizard lives by, or he dies.