The best summer job was teaching swimming lessons at an apartment complex pool. The apt's management company "hired" me to teach and let me keep any money I got from the families registering for classes. I got like $1000 at the sign ups, taught for a couple of weeks and then the pool went green and closed down for the rest of the summer. I assume the management company made up the money to the families but I got to keep what I earned. Used that money for scuba lessons and have been diving ever since.
Next best was:
I spent several summers as a lifeguard at the local pool. During the week would work from like 3 4 or 5 pm till 8pm. Then on the weekends worked from noon till 8. Better money than any of my friends were getting at the time and got to sleep late every day. The drawbacks were that I had to work every day of the summer and my nose constantly looked like swiss cheese from the bad sunburns (hopefully the skin cancer gods will take a liking to me and skip my name on the list).
The worst summer job was working at a religious shrine. While some of the people were very nice, it was long and boring work. Basically working in the shipping and receiving area. Inventory, packing boxes, etc. They loved me there and even offered to hire me full time but no way was I gonna go that route as it was between college semesters and there was way too much fun to be had back at school.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.