Hmmm...I wonder how many people who claim that this was no big deal would scream for bloody murder if the Iraqi's captured female troops and pulled this kind of stunt? Yes imagine that, dozens of cute little Jessica Lynchs being stripped naked and forced to do whatever their captors want them big deal right? I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
For those who are deriding the Geneva convention, care to look up what the death rates for Russian POWs were in WW2 (whom did not sign the convention) compared American POWs? Yeah you sure as hell support the troops the way your care about how they might be treated if captured...the same way those asshats who thought it was really funny to do this to prisioners helped out their mates by taking photos that would inflame the insurgents, good job, no really we need more hatred against American Troops. We signed the convention because we believe in basic human dignity and rights, obviously some here don't...maybe they should try out for the opposite team since their ideology seem so similar