Originally posted by Billy Ocean
Connect the dots. UN corruption is the reason it doesn't serve any good. The Oil for Food scandal is turning out to be corruption on an unprecedented level in the UN. This is much larger then Enron or Fina-Total, this effected a war and people's life, not somebodies job or trust fund.
The "corruption" is real. The good the U.N. does in the world is real. Welcome to the real world, Neo. If we are to disregard an organization because of corruption, then all government must be set aside.
The United States, is probably the most guilty of corruption in this scenario, between the false proclimations of WMD levels, the "show" at the U.N. before the war, and the excessive corruption just below the surface of Haliburtons handling of Iraq.
It seems to me we have little room to be critical of outside corruption, thanks in large part to the complete degradation of the image of th U.S. in the eyes of the rest of the world.
That said, lying and cheating is prevelant in all major government entities, and that will not change anytime in the near future. Perhaps a focus on the positive could benefit us all.
EDIT- By the way....losing your job , or trust fund DOES effect peoples' lives, and often leads to disasterous results. Most people in Iraq have little to lose from corruption in the oil for food program. Also, who would you place in charge of this. Please dont say the United States gov't, as this would totally relegate your corruption charge to oblivion.