I think people were a little dissappointed with my last joke so I thought I'd make up for it, sorry another long one.
Long story with a short moral.
A kid was in his first grade class. The teacher assigned them their homework which was to go home and learn a word they had never heard before. So the kid went home and was watching TV and heard someone say "Purple Passion." The kid went to school the next day and the teacher was going through the students and hearing the words they had learned. So she gets to kid and asks, "What is your word?" He responds, "Purple Passion." The teacher asks him to repeat himself and he once again says "Purple Passion."
The teacher freaks out and rushes him to the principal's office. The principal asks, "What did he do?" The teacher responds, "I told my students to go home and learn a new word and you should hear what he said. I can't bring myself to repeat it." So the principal asks, "Well son, what'd you say?" The kid replies, "Purple Passion." The principal yells, "What? You're expelled! I'm calling your parents right now!"
So his mom comes to pick him up and is extremely angry. She asks the principal, "What did my son do?" The principal responds, "He was asked to learn a new word and responded with something extremely inappropriate" The mother asks her son, "What was this word young man?" He responds, "Purple Passion." The mother starts yelling, "You are in so much trouble! Wait till I tell your father. He's going to beat you senseless."
The mom takes the kid home and they wait for the father. The mom tells the father the story and he asks, "Well what this word?" The kid responds, "Purple Passion." The father beats the kid and throws him out the door screaming to him, "You're out of the family! Never return here!"
Skip ahead a few years later and the kid has joined a gang out on the streets. A bunch of the guys are telling their stories. It gets to be the kid's turn and he tells the story of the homework assignment, getting expelled, and being kicked out of his home. So all the guys are curious and ask him, "What was the word?" He responds, "Purple Passion." They all get pissed off and pull out there guns and start shooting at him as he runs away.
Skip ahead a few more years and the kid has joined the navy. They are out on a ship and he and a few of his buddies are talking about random stuff. His story comes up and they all ask him, "What was the word?" He answers, "Purple Passion." They throw him overboard and start shooting at him. He swims for a while and ends up in China.
In China he applies for a job as a butcher. The employer asks him for his background information so he tells his story. Like everyone else the employer asks, "What was the word?" He responds, "Purple Passion." The butcher starts throwing knives at him and chases him out the door and across the street. As the guy crosses the street he gets hit by a truck and dies.
Moral of the story: Look both ways before crossing the street