Originally posted by archpaladin
I'll take Christianity, being that I'm a Christian...
You acknowledged God's omnipresence already, which means that He knows everything that happens in the present. Since we assume His continued omnipresence, He also knows everything in the past. As to seeing the future, I reference Deuteronomy 18:21-22:
In five minutes of searching, I could not find a passage where God specifically states that He can see the future, but from the prophecies in Scripture I get the idea that He knows. Also, the above passage was part of the law given by God to Moses, and it implies that God is omniscient. Notice that this implication stands regardless of the alleged prophet's accuracy.
There's also a theological argument:
God created everything, which includes our concept of time. Since God created time, He is above and outside of time, and thus can see all that would happen regardless of 'when' it might occur.
Don't want to beat a dead horse - but this does not imply omniscience. A prophet is an emmisary of God...the quote itself implys that God told the 'prophet' what He intended to do or make happen. Don't confuse prophecy - Imparting a message of an impending action CAUSED by God with "fortune telling" - Knowing the future.
In other words - Your example accounts for God giving fair warning (through prophets) of an action he intends to take, it doesn't account for an action that He did not cause - i.e. something that a human or other being caused.
A more relevant example might be Jesus telling Peter (Paul?) that he would "deny him" before the cock crowed...that seems that Jesus predicted the future or knew all...I still doubt it though - just proves to me that Jesus was a great judge of human character...