Women most definately can cockblock. Classic scenario:
Your out on the town, running your game. The hot girl your trying to get to go home with you has a less attractive friend who is bitter because she hasnt been hit on all night by anybody. The hot girl wants you, you want her and you both know it. Then comes the grumpy female friend. Bitching about how shes bored and wants to go home (saying things like "this sucks", "theres nothing to do", "I'm tired" etc). The hot girl then gets guilted into taking her friend home and parting ways with you for the night. The defective unattractive girl knows perfectly well that you both are trying to hook up. Shes just in the mindset that if shes not getting any.. no one else is if she can help it. Thats a female cockblock.
Remember, wherever you go... there you are.