American torture of prisoners involved getting them naked and having a naughty brunette point at their dicks.
The Arab World finds this "deeply humiliating." And, of course, if you are an Arab, you know that if you are deeply humilated, it is cool to beat, burn, electrocute, execute and mutilate Western prisoners.
Its also cool to shoot little kids off a playground and blow up busses full of people trying to get to work. After all, you were deeply humiliated.
And let's not forget the other things that deeply humilate the Arab World -
1) Having foreigners anywhere near your holy sites (which number roughly 4,236,486 per desert acre last time I checked)
2) Women doing anything except being hidden from view
3) Beer
4) Saying or doing anything which may be interpreted as being even slightly insulting to any Arab person, nation, terrorist institution or (gasp) Islam
Hey, it was wrong to do that to the prioners. It was way stupid to take pictures. But give me a fucking break. The people who are howling the loudest about this don't have a moral leg to stand on.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.