First, "How Messy is Sex?" --now this. I'm full of surprises.
The girl that I’m seeing is naturally quiet and so am I, but I have a great sense of humor and can be bold and she really opens up around me. But with both of us being naturally shy, I thought I’d have a few questions and conversation starters prepared to get to know her better and keep the conversation going.
Any questions that help you get to know your date better? (BTW I've been dating her for a month now, yay.)
Here are a few that I wrote down:
- What were you like when you were a kid? (happy, playfull…)
- When was the first time that you had beer? What happened?
- What’s your history with/ what are your thoughts on God?
- If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it?
- What would your dream house be like?
- If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
- Where’s Waldo?
- Do you dream often?
- Describe your fighting style: drunken master or angry monkey?
- What last made you laugh?
- Spontaneity or stability?
- Do you like kids?
- If you wrote a journal entry about our last date, what would it say?