Originally posted by slvrnblck
Its funny how its OK for Americans to do as they wish, but god forbid any other country even thinks about doing anything. Americans could torture and kill and its ok, but if an iraqi tortures and kills, death to them all.
First: it's not okay for a few US soldiers to torture Iraqis in this method. Unquestionably wrong on their part. It's a stupid fucking thing for them to do, and they will pay dearly once military justice takes its toll on them.
Second: This is not all Americans, this is not some Americans, this isn't even a few Americans. This is just a very small number of morons who make the rest of the nation look bad, and who make the armed forces look bad.
Third: No one should be allowed to torture prisoners, though that's not going to stop it from happening. That said, that's why the Geneva convention is useful - it provides an international law stating very explicitly that such things shouldn't be done, providing a method of prosecution and punishment. Whether or not the Iraqis give a shit about it, the US does - and the US follows the Geneva convention.
Just because a country follows the Geneva convention doesn't mean that violations don't happen - it means that they're dealt with properly if they occur.