I disagree that it's a black and white case. No other law we have is- sometimes shooting someone is OK, and sometimes it isn't.
While I agree that the men are as equally responsible for the abortion (how not?), it must be rare to have them around at the clinic. I'm personally A-OK with forcing citizens to become sterilized, it's not like there aren't enough children up for adoption, much less there being too many people on Earth. Here's my dream law- two abortions, tubes tied for the ladies. Two illegitimate children they abandon or have aborted, tubes cut for the fellows. What could be more fair to society?
I don't know how women can forget the pill either. I've been on a once a day pill for over a year now, and I have only forgotten to take it once. I know a girl who forgot to take her birth control for a fucking MONTH, during which time she got pregnant.
Abortions due to personal irresponsibility or "accidents" like "I forgot to take the pill" SHOULD be condemned, damnit. That's damn recklessly irresponsible behavior, both towards your own life and a potential other life. Telling someone "It's OK, you messed up, but don't let anyone shame you for that kind of behavior" is backwards.
But on top of that, I would also like to see the men in as deep of shit as I want to see the women. For example, force the men to reimburse the state for the cost, and make the abortion count as their first illegitimate kid (towards the rule of two I proposed earlier). Maybe even spend a month or two in Federal Pound Me in the Ass prison.
The problem is that both sides of this issue are too polarized. The anti-women-pro-patriarchy side wants no abortions, ever. The pro-baby-killers want women to be able to flush one down whenever the urge hits her, on the state's nickel no less. I think rational people are uncomfortable with either option. Having an abortion that isn't from rape (or something equally horrendous) or because the mother's life is in danger (I guess- my birth put my mother's life in great jeopardy, but she had me taken out in a C-section with no anesthesia rather than the alternative) are the only cases I can agree with.
Because you made a mistake or can't provide a good life isn't a good enough excuse to do this an unlimited amount of times. If you couldn't have provided a good life, don't have unprotected sex. If you're so unlucky that birth control has failed on you twice, maybe you just need to bow to fate.
So to close this rant, I would like to see mandatory sterilization for men and women, and I would like to see personal responsibility advocated, and the lack thereof condemned.