Originally posted by iamtheone
Yes, a title that says songs that every guitarist should know about.... Is a strong statement. I don't think Kurt was known for his guitar playing skills.
Now, don't get me wrong here.... Everyone is entilted to their own opinions and likes and dislikes. But, maybe the next time refine your title a bit more so people that know what they are talking about will think you do as well.
see, this is where i have to disagree with you. kurt may not have been known for his guitar skills, but that doesn't make the song any less important. it's something, at least if you're starting out play these days, you probably should know. it's an easy song to play, easy to play with others, and a great song for beginners to get into. if you've been playing for 10 years, yeah, it's a nothing song to play. but it's also one that you can pull out at anytime and people will recognize. and in my opinion, it's one of the modern songs taht every guitarist should know.