May I just comment on the dissenting side...
These Iraquis are our PRISONERS. That means that they have done something wrong that has forced us to incarcerate them. As long as we are not killing them or permantly injuring them, they are still ours.
Astrocloud made a very good point with the Stanford prison experiment. Anyone in power will excercise that power to the utmost extent, even if this means "abuse". Nonetheless, the term "abuse" should be used sparingly in the regards to criminals.
Lets face it, if they weren't fighting against us right now, they wouldn't have been in prison, now would they? And, on the other view of the subject, if we had just blown that little sand pit out of the ocean a year ago (like we rightly should have done), they certainly wouldn't have been in prison and wouldn't have been "abused".
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."