The last time we had a thread about rap and why it's good or bad the same thing happened. . . I know I'm the one who started the thread. But, I'll post my opinion anyway. 'Gangsta' rap as it is called is pretty stupid, in my opinion. I could honestly care less about some guy talking fast about his 'bling bling' and his 'ho's' and his cars, money, yaya etc. 'Gangsta' rap, mainstream rap whatever you wanna call it, in my opinion it's trash. Now don't get me wrong, last time ppl misinterpreted, I am not saying all rap is stupid, just the mainstream garbage that I hear. As far as the other rap goes, I myself am not interested in it, but to each his own, it's not my thing, though. Rap dosen't really appeal to me.
Until we meet again. . .
"So Keep on Pretending.
Our Heavens Worth the Waiting.
Keep on Pretending.
It's Alright."
-- H.I.M., "Pretending"