Could be. You may not be drinking enough water either. There's a few things you may want to look into.
-Eating some carbs before class (I have a bowl of oatmeal, a banana or some wheat bread before I head out to class)
-Gallon of water a day. The next time you finish a gallon of milk, wash out the carton and keep it. Every morning fill it up and try to drink it all before you go to bed. You have to piss a lot, but if you've ever seen the benefits of water, well, you'll piss your pants.
-Exercise. Cardio in the morning right when you wake up, empty stomach. It'll kick your ass until you adjust, but you'll be running full throttle all day long.
-Good nights sleep. Easier said than done right? Wrong. Most people have no idea how drastically exercise and proper diet affect your sleeping habits.
-I find that singing to myself on the way to class puts me in a wonderful mood. I smile at more people, talk with more people and as a result more people smile and talk to me.
-Mental strength! It's all mental right? I read a book recently that was about picking up women admittedly, but the underlying thesis was self betterment. He talked about the voice in your head. What do you say to yourself in your mind? You can't do something? For most people that's the way they think. But thinking positively can help with not only school work, but with everything you ever do. It works too, he has you write down the negative things you think about yourself and replace them with positive things you can say instead. Just something to consider.
"I went shopping last night at like 1am. The place was empty and this old woman just making polite conversation said to me, 'where is everyone??' I replied, 'In bed, same place you and I should be!' Took me ten minutes to figure out why she gave me a dirty look." --Some guy