Originally posted by Prince
One thing - and this is kind of off the subject - I have pondered over, is the possibility of a big number of TFP members, who contribute to the poetry and literature section, putting together a collection of their writings. I mean, obviously I don't know how many members actively contribute there nor how many would be interested, nor am I aware of all the legal problems or etc etc etc that could stand in its way, but let's say that a 100 members contributed one or two of their chosen poems... And all of the individuals contributing a poem would chip in for the cost of publication... Obviously I am not aware of how much it would ultimately cost, but I doubt that a print of, say 500 or 1000 or so books would cost too much...especially if we happened to have someone in our ranks that works for or owns a publishing house... I dunno if this is doable at all, but just throwing ideas in the air.
I think this sounds like a neat idea. I dont know if it would be pratical or not, but I would buy one.