Originally posted by Peetster
They gave the chairman of the Human Rights Commision to Libya.
That's like putting France in charge of "Not Surrendering".
That made me laugh - thanks!
But seriously, Kerry's proposed policy is not to just throw everything at the U.N. and hightail it out of Iraq. He recognizes that for better or worse, the U.S. is there and must finish the job. What he would like is to get assistance from the U.N. in order to make the transition from U.S. occupation to Iraqi sovreignty safer and more expidient. He has also been pushing for a greater NATO involvement and hopes the Bush Administration can obtain this NATO commitment at the June NATO conference. Kerry is simply recognizing that the US is not to only party that has an interest in seeing a stable Iraq, and he would like to get those nations to participate in the process. In fact, you are seeing the Bush Administration's policy morphing into something that is nearly identical to what Senator Kerry has been proposing for quite some time. Perhaps the Senator will be able to do a better job conveying this to the public and the Bush administration will be held accountable for the fact that it has an unclear, everchanging Iraq policy.