maybe I can offer some insight.
jolt kept telling me to come on here and read the threads instead of always lurking on the titty board (which i did from the first post on fark) . . . one night i was bored and a bit depressed and nobody was home on the BBS' soooooooooo i looked.. i posted. i got sucked in
as for posting to post. i did it too about five times..... but see, i got addicted to he
jump on the bandwagon thread and.. well.. as you can tell if you click the correct link i have like 180 or more on that board alone.
when it comes to posting on the titty board.... uh what should we do? think:
everyone wants someone to comment on the T board. what do we say now?? 92839283 posts of beautiful breasts you kind of run out of comments

so, it's a damned if you do damned if you don't. if i posted a 'real thought' after a post on TBoard i'd not have time to sleep.
i've tried to add insight on real boards. especially the threads on animals and videogaming and real life.
i see this place as a great medium to show regular people that just because someone is in a wheelchair they may be totally not unique. i see it as a tool to teach....