Let me just clarify my view of the south and maybe we can put this to rest.
I do not think that all southerners are ignorant redneck hicks. I don't think that just becuase you are from the north you are less bigoted, a nicer person, whatever. You are correct that to make a sweeping judgement of southerners in a statement denoucing prejudice would be hypocritical.
The reason I don't want to live in the South is that, in my experience, the politics of southern states tend to be more dominated by what I consider to be closed minded socially intolerant forces then the politics in the north, midwest, california, pretty much anywhere besides Utah. I don't care to live under that kind of government.
This new laws is a fine example. Not only is the state of virginia banning gay marrige, and refusing to recognize gay marriges performed in other states (violating the full faith and credit clause, despite the defense of marrige act), they are stripping homosexuals of other legal rights (the right to leave your property to whomever you want) simply because they are gay. A lawmaker felt perfectly fine saying that he wanted homosexuals run out of his state, and suffered no negative repercussions. I don't want to live in a place where my government can do that, regardless of the qualities of the people who live there.
Originally posted by timalkin
Am I the only one who views this law as a good thing?
Maybe you shouls explain why to make this thread something other then a debate about southerners.