Is the United Nations the answer?
John Kerry has said that if he is elected he will go to the UN to settle the Iraq situation.
I say this is not the answer, the only thing the UN does is allow us to take the easy way out.
When has the UN ever solved a conflict? All it does is to partition 2 sides with what they call the Green Line. Usually with guard posts manned by Canadian, Scandinavian and some other third world countries. If either side wanted to attack, the UN would be helpless to stop anything.
The only conflict that the UN had any sort of success was in Korea, but the United States had the majority of the troop and were in command. Now 50 years later, the country is still partitioned.
In Cyprus, the country is still partitioned some 40 years later.
Did the UN save any lives in the Balkans? They couldnt even save thier own.
If the UN does go into Iraq, you will probably have a country partitioned into 3 sections. The south will be divided with Shieties and Sunni's and the North will be Kurdish. We all know the Turks, Irannians and Syrians do not want a Kurdish state. It will a bigger mess than it is now.