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Old 05-04-2004, 01:43 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Location: LV-426
It sounds brilliant to me. God, if a place like that was near enough...I'd drive even two hours just to spend some time, have a Pepsi, converse with other crazies, and leaf through the latest Penthouse - courtesy of the house, of course.

I'd like to see this happen, even if it all came together so far away that I would not be able to stop by. I'd still like to see it happen, or any other ways of incorporating more of "the life outside" into the TFP experience. Someone mentioned that the beauty of the TFP is in the anonymity, and while I agree that it is an asset, I would not feel at all held back to show up and face fellow members. Au contraire.

When Tilted Magazine debuted, I started daydreaming about stuff like this. I feel that the Tilted Magazine has gotten perhaps less attention than it deserves, because let's face it, not only is it a great idea in itself, but it can also be a living proof of the fact that it is possible to extend the TFP into other mediums, without losing an ounce of what makes the fabric of it.

Hal's creative and executive control would have to be very strict though.

One thing - and this is kind of off the subject - I have pondered over, is the possibility of a big number of TFP members, who contribute to the poetry and literature section, putting together a collection of their writings. I mean, obviously I don't know how many members actively contribute there nor how many would be interested, nor am I aware of all the legal problems or etc etc etc that could stand in its way, but let's say that a 100 members contributed one or two of their chosen poems... And all of the individuals contributing a poem would chip in for the cost of publication... Obviously I am not aware of how much it would ultimately cost, but I doubt that a print of, say 500 or 1000 or so books would cost too much...especially if we happened to have someone in our ranks that works for or owns a publishing house... I dunno if this is doable at all, but just throwing ideas in the air.
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