There are scholarships out there for everything, various clubs that you may have participated in, sports, ethnic background (I got one from the Irish American Club in town), everything -- they may not offer a lot of money, and you will probably not get your entire education paid for, but 500 bucks will pay for books.
State schools, if you are an in state resident are a better bargain than private schools, programs like Teach for America and the like offer money for school for a short term committment after graduation. School loans aren't that hard to get, and you have 10 years after final graduation to pay them off.
Check with your guidance office (they still have those, right?), do some web searching. Don't get sucked into the places that charge you money to find you scholarships, you shouldn't have to pay for that assistance. Check with the schools that you want to apply to.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.