ok basically what I am looking for is a blank web page (i.e.
www.WhateverYourDomainNameIs.com/upload) in this page will just be a place to upload images. So they can post them on the forum in the same place.
it is a Forum that my family wants me to make. And they have no programming or uploading knowledge. They check E-mail and stuff.
So i need it so that they can kind of select "Upload" and find the image and upload it, find the link and past it.
I am hoping that there is some code already written for this. However what i do know is that it can be done in Perl or something similar, and then a database. However my knowledge is little HTML (basic web design) and VBNet (no database as of yet)
if there is a Script out that makes it so you can upload images to a new folder then it kind of auto makes a page with thumbnails that would be even cooler. LOL but simple is what i am looking for.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.