Originally posted by twotimesadingo
Nope. Don't ever plan to. And I'll still tell you that it screws you up. Why? Because medical studies show that it negatively impacts brain cells. There's controversy as to whether the brain cells are killed, whether they are put to sleep for such a length of time as to suffer from atrophy and die, or whether they are merely affected for a shorter span of time. But nevertheless, brain cells are affected. I would call that "screw[ing] you up."
With all due respect Twotimesadingo, I would like to see who published the studies claiming the above? I have read countless studies on Marijuana use and none from any credible source has ever attributed marijuana use to anything more than <i>POSSIBLE</i> short term memory loss.
I myself have been smoking since 8th grade summer. I graduated at the top of my class in high school, got 1410 on my SATs, was captain of my math & science teams, won state in science team FOUR times & went to a very respectable college. I know, I know, I sound full of myself. I just want to illustrate that marijuana has not changed my mental capacity or made me retarded.
Also, I've met far more stupid people who DON'T smoke pot, than stupid people who do. Though if you ask me 98% percent of people out there are freaking morons.
Originally posted by sixate
[B]One way we can find out who's right. If weed does increase levels of estrogen, which would give a man more feminine features, you will have man tits in a few years if you don't already. Check back to me when you're 30 if I'm not already right, and I'll shut the fuck up if I'm wrong. Is that a deal? [B]
Sixate I've been smoking for 8 years and I don't have man-tits.
Originally posted by mattevil
my mom's hooked on the shit. You can go on and on about how it's not addictive and such I don't care fact is my mom can't quit even with treatment,my whole family lovingly encouraging her to do so, and finally threat of divorce and me and my brother pretty much disowning her. She went 1 whole month clean and the day after she got her AA chip I caught her smoking in the garage. She's smoked to the point where she has crashed two cars and reverted to being physically and mentally abusive (I suspect pot has precipitated bipolar disorder in her). Evidently she's been smoking for years but only recently has it really gotten bad(she's 50 so menopause has also not helped the matter).
Mattevil, I hate to sound insensitive, but pot is NOT the root of your mother's problems. She obviously has a psychological disorder/chemical imbalance. You <i>could</i> try to attribute that to marijuana use, but the fact is that millions of people have psychological disorders, and while I don't have numbers for you, I'd be willing to put money on the idea that a LARGE number of them don't use any drugs whatsoever.
Anyways, hope I didn't offend anyone, but I had to put in my 2 cents.