Cheating by yourself in a single player game is one thing, cheating online and ruining everyone elses game is another. Mr_Meat never said anything about cheating online, or even cheating in general. He wants a fucking map hack to reveal the map so he can just run thru the game and do whatever he wants. Who cares?
I stopped playing D2 around 1.05 or whatever, so I don't really know whats going on or what has changed with 1.10, but it appears that the old map hacks do not work. I have no leads on where to find said 'hack' but good luck to you.
Multiplayer cheating sucks. Single player cheating.. to each his own. I cheated my way thru Painkiller just because the game is nothing and blowing shit up is fun, especially when you don't have to worry about collecting health etc. I do not cheat in any multiplayer game tho, I just never have, and it seems to defeat the purpose. One could argue that it defeats the purpose in single player games as well, and it does, but a game like Painkiller or most any other FPS for that matter are easily defeated without cheats. I just chose to use godmode so I could slaughter nonstop.
Painkiller is a good game btw, you should check it out.. The last level is insane, probably the best level in any FPS ever. The premise of the last level is stupid, but the level itself is amazing. It is supposedly in hell, and it's basically a battleground, but everything is frozen. Not like frozen as in ice, frozen as in suspended in time. There is a bomb in the middle of the ground, but it has just made impact with the ground and not exploded yet, and it's just hanging out. Mortar explosions with the crater in the ground, but the rocks are suspended in mid-air. Genius. Buildings being blown apart, with the bricks and wood and shit just frozen in mid air. Excellent idea.
"Eventually I became too sexy for my gym membership fee."